University Curriculum Committee: Responsibilities 
Faculty Manual Section C. (last revised December 6, 2018):
The University Curriculum Committee shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Provost or the Provost’s designee (ex officio), one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student. The duties of this standing committee shall be:
- To receive or initiate recommendations pertaining to each and every course and program offered for academic credit by any unit of the University.
- To evaluate all proposals for new undergraduate courses and programs as well as changes in existing courses and programs for correlation with other departments before consideration and approval by the Faculty Council.
- To evaluate all proposals for new graduate courses and programs as well as changes in existing courses and programs for correlation with other departments. Review of graduate programs is conducted after the Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education has recommended approval prior to their submission to the Faculty Council for approval.
- To develop necessary administrative procedures for informing interested colleges concerning courses under consideration.
- To evaluate proposals for the establishment of new departments, and the change of academic name, change in college affiliation, dissolution, division, or merger of existing departments.
- To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to the operations of the Division of Continuing Education which impact curricula.